Classroom Connections

Weekly support for teachers. A little bit of collaboration can go a long way! With Mighty Minds on your team you are sure to succeed.

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Edition 6

25 May 2020

Congratulations Jennie B! You have won a copy of our Senior Brain Teaser eBook (Edition One), valued at $300.

Our next competition starts on the 1st June! To be in with a chance to win, join up to our Facebook group and watch out for the post with details on how to enter our new competition. 

Want to know what the prize is? So do we! We are asking YOU what would you like to win. Head over to our Facebook page and pick from the 4 options we have on offer. The one with the most votes will win.  


As an educator our job is to embrace diversity in the classroom, individualise learning, implement technology upgrades and innovation and ensure that our students are happy and healthy learners. To do this, we spend hundreds of hours a year learning new skills and knowledge.

In this edition of Classroom Connections, we take a look at lifelong learning and our favourite new Ted Talks to support your continued professional development. We have also created some free resources to support your learning journey.


9 Ted Talks to support your Learning Journey

Continued professional development can be hard to fit into your day. Being able to keep up with the new lingo, the new technology and the new ways of effective teaching can be a full time job on its own. Check out these 9 amazing TED talks to get you up to date.


Featured blogs

Why it is crucial for educators to be lifelong learners

The future of work is an everchanging landscape – what it looked like 10 years ago is nothing to what it looks like today. Much like with machine learning and other technological innovations, the field of education is changing so fast that techniques, skills and technologies become outdated in less than a decade. That is why being a lifelong learner plays a crucial role in the education process.


Strategies for Providing Positive Constructive Feedback to Students

Every teacher’s goal is create a classroom full of young people that love to learn. When we create resilient individuals that can challenge themselves and feel safe making mistakes we have achieved that goal. Positive feedback can be used to support our students when they make a mistake is one of the best ways to build this resilience and have them learn from their mistakes.



Fundamental Skills Diagnostic Tests

At Mighty Minds we have devised online and easy-to-use Fundamental Skills diagnostic tests that are aligned to the National Skills ACARA codes. These provide up-to-date student data and personalised revision activities for young people in years 6–9.


The 'Building Your Skills' Package

Knowing where your students are up to is a great start, the next step is having a program that can support in filling in the gaps. That is what our ‘Building Your Skills’ Package offers.


Exciting Upcoming Resources

Critical and Creative Thinking Program – online and fabulous!

The introduction of Cognitive Skills has led Mighty Minds to re-examine thinking processes and skills that young people need – that was the basis for the creation of our new online Critical and Creative Thinking Program.

Creativity is about originality and innovation. Everyone has the ability to be creative but do they have the necessary skills? In order to reach their full potential, students should engage in higher levels of thinking. Over the course of the program students will have the opportunity to develop and practice their critical thinking skills in order to be engaged and effective learners.


Free Resources

Keeping a record of your CPD for the year is important. So here is a free downloadable template for you to use.


You Should Never Stop Learning Poster!

A great reminder for both teachers and students.


Social Superstars

Mighty Minds is happy to announce that we have created a Facebook group just for teachers!

This group is a safe space for teachers to connect and communicate about important issues impacting schools, share resources and ask for advice. The group is open, so any teacher can create posts and ask questions of their fellow teachers. 

We will also be providing free resources each week to assist you in and out of the classroom! 

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