Classroom Connections

Weekly support for teachers. A little bit of collaboration can go a long way! With Mighty Minds on your team you are sure to succeed.

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Edition 1

20 Apr 2020

We have been taking a lot of time to talk to teachers about what they need. We know many of schools have started the journey of remote learning and that these uncharted waters can be difficult at times. Without our students in front of us to interact and support it will no doubt feel a little off. That is why, Mighty Minds is taking the time to support teachers in making this educational journey just that little bit easier.

We are all here to work together! This edition of Classroom Connections aims to inspire you in creating impactful and interactive ways of teaching. Not to mention give students a hand with some free downloadable activities to support remote and supervised learning. 


Creating an interactive learning environment at home! 

Distance education has gone from something reserved for school-of-the-air students to the norm, and the sudden shift from in-class to remote teaching has plunged many of us into what feels like uncharted waters. Fortunately, there's an endless amount of support, advice and tools available to facilitate learning and interaction in a remote environment, so it’s high time to explore them!


Featured blogs

The importance of keeping a routine during home isolation 

Wake up at a reasonable hour, brush your hair, put on something other than a dressing down and sit down to a healthy breakfast. Schedule a time to leave the house to take the dog for a walk. Stick to your usual workday structure and after-hours downtime. Be sure to also carve out time to do things that bring you joy. 


Online learning vs Emergency remote teaching 

Being tossed in the deep end of digital technologies has seen teachers across Australia rise to the challenge and exceed expectations. Collaboration and cultivation with every staff member and support network have prepared schools to succeed. 


New Resources


Earn up to 3 QCE credits at home with the Mighty Minds Links to Life and Steps to the Future Programs. 

Links to Life equips students with a range of skills that will assist them in their transition to life after school. The course covers a wide variety of life skills and addresses topics such as moving out, managing conflicts, workplace etiquette, navigating social media and considering global impacts on local jobs.

Steps to the Future is based upon the QCAA Career Education Short Course Syllabus (2018), and it is designed specifically to support students in their journey towards work or further education and training after school. The workbook steps students through the process of finding work, setting goals for the future and identifying their strengths and weaknesses in order to build the ideal career pathway.


Cognitive Skills

The 75 Cognitive Skills are the foundation of all learning. Understanding the Cognitive Skills is vital to student success. Consequently, we have deconstructed each Cognitive Skill and produced an effective guide on how to teach each stage of the Cognitive Thinking levels in relation to that specific skill.

With questions over a wide range of subjects ranging from year 7–12 students of all levels can begin building the foundation of  their learning. 


Exciting Upcoming Resources

Skills for Work is Coming to Mighty Minds – 4 QCE credits and more!

Mighty Minds has been working behind the scenes to bring to schools our Skills for Work program. Resources that have been created to cover the requirements of the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways. Our online program is easy-to-use and provides students will the opportunity to obtain 4 credits AND their literacy and numeracy tick towards their QCE. Want more information? Contact us today!


Free Resources

Creative and Critical Thinking Program – Lesson 1 – Am I Creative? 

Creativity is about originality and innovation. Everyone has the ability to be creative but do they have the necessary skills? In order to reach their full potential, students should engage in higher levels of thinking. Over the course of the program students will have the opportunity to develop and practice their critical thinking skills in order to be engaged and effective learners.


A Week in My Life Planner

When you are trying to improve your educational outcomes it is logical to examine your existing routine. Download our free Week in My Life Planner for your students to start thinking how they can make the most of their remote-learning journey. 


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