Mighty Minds uses Adobe DRM (Digital Rights Management) to protect the copyright of our resources, such as our eBooks. To read eBooks protected by Adobe DRM, you must first download and install the correct software to your computer or mobile device. Please see the ‘Recommended Software’ section for information on which software is right for the computer or device that you’re using. Most devices use a program called Adobe Digital Editions.
Step 1
Visit the Adobe Digital Editions download page. Select and download the version of the program that is compatible with your computer or mobile device and install it on your device.
Step 2
Once you have downloaded and installed Adobe Digital Editions, visit the Mighty Minds eBook page at www.mightyminds.com.au/ebook to download the eBook(s) you have purchased. You will need to enter the eBook code and password provided by Mighty Minds upon purchase of the eBook(s) and then click ‘Download eBook’. Please contact us if you haven’t received an email with your eBook codes. When the eBook has downloaded, click on the file and it will automatically open with the Adobe Digital Editions software.
Step 3
The Adobe Digital Editions software will ask you to authorise your computer. If you already have an Adobe account, you may prefer to sign in. Otherwise you can select the checkbox at the bottom of the window that says ‘I want to authorise my computer without an ID’. Either option will allow you to access Mighty Minds eBooks. Afterwards, click ‘Next’ and then ‘Authorise’ when prompted. After your computer has been authorised (this should only take a few seconds), you will receive a confirmation message. Click ‘Okay’.
Step 4
The eBook will open automatically in Adobe Digital Editions after it has been authorised. You now have access to the eBook on your device. Begin reading by clicking on eBook in the eBook list and scroll through the pages using your mouse or touchpad.
Important Notes
Once you have downloaded your copy of the eBook, it will be locked on to the device that you first open it on. Therefore, it is recommended that students download the eBook onto their personal computers or tablets rather than shared school computers, so they can access it at all times.
If you would like to de-authorise Adobe Digital Editions at any time, open it and hold down Ctrl + Shift + D. You will need to do this if you would like to sign into Adobe Digital Editions using a different Adobe ID.
Many tablets, smartphones and eBook readers support Adobe DRM. This system allows Mighty Minds to protect our copyrighted material by setting a 2-year expiry date on downloaded eBooks and limiting how many pages of the eBook can be copied and printed. eBooks in a PDF format can be more easily shared and printed without limitations. After an eBook reaches its expiry date, the file will remain on your computer or device, but you will not be able to open it or read it. You may then want to delete the (expired) file to avoid confusion.